Walking Was Just Linked to Better Brain Health-Especially as You Age

By: Kate Hull writing for Well+Good

It's no secret that exercise has remarkable effects on our overall health. From fighting off cardiovascular disease to helping with bone density, exercising is an important way to maintain our overall health and wellness. But a new study of people in their eighties has found that simple movement—in the form of walking—is linked to a boost in brain health.Research published in the November issue of the Journal of Neuroscience shares the exciting linksbetween movement later in life and synaptic and cognitive aging. As part of the study, Chicagoans in their eighties tracked their daily activity and movement and participated in annual memory tests. Researchers found that, when comparing the health of their microglia cells (the immune cells in the central nervous system responsible for brain infections and inflammation) to their activity level, those with more active lifestyles had overall healthier brains and were less likely to show signs of Alzheimer's disease.

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