Digital strain: Preventive measures to reduce the risk of Computer Vision Syndrome in children and adults

Story by: Zarafshan Shiraz, New Delhi writing for Hindustan Times

In a technologically driven society, where screens dominate our daily lives, the consequences of excessive digital exposure is becoming increasingly evident hence, Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is emerging as a critical public health concern, affecting millions worldwide and impairing both productivity and quality of life. A recent study shed light on the prevalence of CVS, revealing that a significant portion of the population experiences musculoskeletal and ocular discomfort due to prolonged screen use where incidence rates range from 30% to 90%, with computer workers being particularly susceptible, as indicated by a Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic research publication.

The surge in online schooling during Covid-19 pandemic has further intensified the urgency to address CVS as a pressing public health issue.

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