Life-Changing Fitness Tricks That Only Take 7 Minutes

By: John Anderer writing for Eat This,Not That!  MIND+BODY

Life-Changing Fitness Tricks That Only Take 7 Minutes

In a perfect world, we would all have enough time each day to do our jobs, cook three delicious yet balanced meals, hang out and laugh with friends or family, enjoy a few hobbies, and exercise. Reality, however, is far less accommodating. There are only 24 hours in each day, and at least seven of those should be accounted for by that unavoidable necessity known as sleep.

Unfortunately, exercise is often the first item on that list that ends up being neglected over time constraints. For example, one survey reports that 42% of American adults don't exercise as often as they would like because they don't have the time. Similarly, another 36% say they'll often skip a planned workout over having too much work to do. While all of that is understandable, regular exercise is an endeavor well worth carving out some time to accomplish. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a consistent fitness routine strengthens muscles and bones, decreases the risk of health issues like heart disease and diabetes, and promotes a longer life in general.

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